Manuscripts in the Collection of the St. Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society





Character of the Collection


Manuscript Listing


Use of the Collection


Supporting the Project


Manuscript Listing

The collection of the manuscript library (ML) of the Coptic library contains 108 manuscripts. All but seven of them written on paper. Three are written on papyrus and four Ethiopic ones on parchment. They are numbered according to the chronological acquisition order by the Society. They are as follows:

  • ML.MS.01: Unidentified liturgical, Geez text, parchment, double leaf, undated.
  • ML.MS.02: Biblical, Book of Revelation, Bohairic-Arabic, paper, incomplete, undated.
  • ML.MS.03: Unidentified Liturgical Sahidic fragment, papyrus. Circa 5th century.
  • ML.MS.04: Liturgical, Psalmodia for the month of Kiahk, Bohairic & Arabic, paper, bound codex, undated.
  • ML.MS.05: Hagiography, life of St. Takla Hymanout, Arabic, paper, bound codex, AD 1902.
  • ML.MS.06: Liturgical, Maimar of the Life of Job, Arabic, paper, bound codex, AD 1948
  • ML.MS.07: Liturgical, Coptic Offices, Bohairic-Arabic, paper, incomplete codex, AD 1715
  • ML.MS.08: Liturgical, Horologion, Arabic and some Bohairic, paper, bound, undated
  • ML.MS.09: Liturgical, Book of Psalis for the Saints, Bohairic, paper, incomplete, undated
  • ML.MS.10: Liturgical, Tartib al-Bai'a, Bohairic, paper, incomplete, undated
  • ML.MS.11: Liturgical, Sermon on Abraham Sacrifice of Isaac, Arabic, paper, incomplete, undated
  • ML.MS.12: Liturgical, Psalmodia for the month of Kiahk, Bohairic & Bohairic-Arabic, paper, incomplete, undated.
  • ML.MS.13: Liturgical, Book of Psalmodia, Bohairic-Arabic, paper, incomplete, undated
  • ML.MS.14: Liturgical, Turuhat for Nativity and Epiphany, Bohairic-Arabic, paper, incomplete, undated
  • ML.MS.15: Liturgical, Various Hymns and Doxologies for Nativity, Bohairic, paper, incomplete, undated.
  • ML.MS.16: Liturgical, Vespers and Matins of the Euchologion, Bohairic, paper, incomplete, undated
  • ML.MS.17: Note on the collection, English, paper, 19th Century, 1 folio
  • ML.MS.18: Literary, Pseudo-Epiphanius' Hexeomeros and Miracle of St. Athanasius of Alexandria, Arabic, paper, bound codex, undated
  • ML.MS.19: Liturgical, Coptic Office of Matrimony, Arabic with Bohairic Readings, paper, incomplete, undated
  • ML.MS.20: Liturgical, Ecclesiastical Services of the Greek Orthodox Church, Arabic, bound codex, undated
  • ML.MS.21: Hagiography, Collection, Arabic, bound codex, AM 1471 (AD 1755)
  • ML.MS.22: Liturgical, Liturgy of St. Gregory, Coptic, paper, incomplete, undated
  • ML.MS.23: Liturgical, Book of the Seven Prayers, Arabic, paper, bound codex, undated
  • ML.MS.24: Liturgical, Horologion and Miscellaneous writings, Arabic, paper, bound codex, circa 1900
  • ML.MS.25: Liturgical, Euchologion, Liturgy of St. Basil, Copto-Arabic, paper, bound volume, undated
  • ML.MS.26: Liturgical, Euchologion, Liturgies of SS. Basil & Gregory, Copto-Arabic, paper, unbound codex, AM 1561/ AD 1845
  • ML.MS.27: Liturgical, Euchologion, Liturgies of St. Basil and St. Gregory, Copto-Arabic, paper, unbound codex, AM 1575/ AD 1858
  • ML.MS.28: Hagiography, Collection, Arabic, bound codex, AM 1285 / AD 1569
  • ML.MS.29: History, Canons of the Councils of the Church (Catholic), Arabic, incomplete codex
  • ML.MS.30: Liturgical, Psalmodia for the month of Kiahk, Bohairic, Bohairic-Arabic, Arabic, paper, bound codex, 19th century
  • ML.MS.31: Biblical, Four Gospels, Arabic, paper, bound codex, AD 1801 .
  • ML.MS.32: Literary, Catena for the Four Gospels, Arabic, paper, nearly complete bound codex, AM 1507, AD 1791.
  • ML.MS.33: Liturgical, Ordo for the Holy Week and the Paschaltide, Coptic & Arabic, paper, complete bound codex, undated.
  • ML.MS.34: Liturgical, Turuhat for the Holy PaschaWeek, Copto-Arabic, paper, complete bound codex, AM 1528?, AD 1812.
  • ML.MS.35: Literary, Treatise, Arabic, paper, complete bound codex, undated.
  • ML.MS.36: Liturgical, Psalis, Coptic, paper, incomplete unbound leaves, undated.
  • ML.MS.37: Liturgical, Euchologion, Copto-Arabic, paper, incomplete unbound leaves, AD1862-1870..
  • ML.MS.38: Hagiography, Wonders of St. Theodore the General, Arabic, paper, nearly complete bound codex, AM 1473, AD 1757.
  • ML.MS.39: Literary-Liturgical, Multiple works from different manuscripts, Arabic, paper, incomplete misbound codex, undated.
  • ML.MS.40: Hagiography, Life of St. Takla Haymanout, Arabic, paper, bound-codex, undated.
  • ML.MS.41: Hagiography, Life of St. George, Arabic, paper, bound codex, undated.
  • ML.MS.42: Literary, Bp. Severus of Ashmunain - Kitab al-Durr al-Thamin fi Idah al-Din, Arabic, paper, bound codex, undated.
  • ML.MS.43: Medical, Medical and Pharmacologist texts, Arabic, paper, bound codex, undated.
  • ML.MS.44: Liturgical, Horologion, Coptic & Arabic, paper, incomplete unbound leaves, undated.
  • ML.MS.45: Liturgical, Invocation for the Archangels, Arabic, paper, incomplete unbound leaves, undated.
  • ML.MS.46: Literary, Sayings of Luqman the Wise, Arabic, paper, incomplete unbound leaves, undated.
  • ML.MS.47: Literary, Mimar of Theodosius the Jew, Arabic, paper, incomplete unbound stitched leaves, undated.
  • ML.MS.48: Liturgical, Horologion, Copto-Arabic & Arabic, paper, complete bound codex, undated.
  • ML.MS.49: Liturgical, Hymn for the Cross, Arabic, paper, unbound, undated.
  • ML.MS.50: Liturgical, Horologion, Arabic, paper, single folio, undated.
  • ML.MS.51: Liturgical-Literary, Horologion & Questions of Theodore the Priest, Arabic, paper, unbound folios, undated.
  • ML.MS.52: Liturgical, Horologion, Arabic, paper, unbound folios, undated.
  • ML.MS.53: Hagiography, Life of St. Shenouda by Apa Besa, Arabic, paper, Bound incomplete codex, undated.
  • ML.MS.54: Lexicography, Grammar and Vocabulary, Coptic-Arabic, paper, bound codex, Late 19th Century
  • ML.MS.55: Liturgical, Paschaltide Lectionary, Coptic, Oriental paper, single leaf, 14th century.
  • ML.MS.56: Liturgical, Liturgy of St. Basil, Coptic and Arabic, paper, complete codex, undated.
  • ML.MS.57: Unidentified liturgical, Geez text, parchment, three double leaves, undated.
  • ML.MS.58: Liturgical, Psalmodia, Bohairic, paper, unbound double leaf, undated.
  • ML.MS.59: Liturgical, Horologion, Arabic, paper, mostly complete and loosely-bound codex, undated.
  • ML.MS.60: Unidentified liturgical, Geez text, parchment, three double leaves, undated.
  • ML.MS.61: Liturgical, Horologion, Bohairic & Arabic, paper, complete bound codex, undated.
  • ML.MS.62: Liturgical fragments from multiple manuscripts, Bohairic & Arabic, paper, unbound folios, undated.
  • ML.MS.63: Liturgical, Horologion, Arabic, paper, complete bound codex, undated.
  • ML.MS.64: Liturgical, Lent Lectionary, Bohairic, paper, Fragments from five folios with Old and New Testament readings, 14th century.
  • ML.MS.65: Liturgical, Kiahk Psalmodia, Copto-Arabic & Arabic, paper, 15 unbound large folios with their original bindings, undated.
  • ML.MS.66: Bible, Targum of Book of Ezekiel, Hebrew-Aramaic, paper, 1 fragment.
  • ML.MS.67: Bible, Book of Psalms, Arabic, paper, modern binding, AM 1458 / AD 1742.
  • ML.MS.68: Liturgical, Horologion, Arabic, bound with a slip case, 19th Century.
  • ML.MS.69: Documentary, Bill of Sales, Sahidic, papyrus, two small fragments, undated.
  • ML.MS.70: Documentary, unknown, Greek or Sahidic, papyrus, undated.
  • ML.MS.71: Liturgical, Coptic Offices, Bohairic-Arabic, paper, AM 1565/ AD 1849.
  • ML.MS.72: Liturgical, Psalmodia, incomplete, Bohairic, paper, undated.
  • ML.MS.73: Liturgical, Horologion, incomplete, Arabic, paper, 20th century
  • ML.MS.74: Literary, Personal notebook of a layman with multiple works, including History of Buhaira the monk and other works of theological nature, Arabic, paper, pre-1922.
  • ML.MS.75: Literary, Unidentified work, incomplete and dismembered, Arabic, paper, undated.
  • ML.MS.76: Liturgical, Lent Lectionary, dismembered sheets, Bohairic, paper, 18th century
  • ML.MS.77: Liturgical, Liturgy of St. Basil, dismembered sheets, Bohairic, paper, undated.
  • ML.MS.78-238: Forthcoming.



Last updated 2/1/2018 by Hany N. Takla